Our School Links » Referral to Vail High School

Referral to Vail High School

Students that enter Vail High School must be REFERRED by one of our sister schools:  Applied Technology Center, Bell Gardens High School, Montebello Community Day School, Montebello High School, or Schurr High School.  Please contact the student's Counselor or Assistant Principal if your child is a candidate for Vail High School.
  • Candidates for Vail High School must meet the following criteria:

    • Determine if a student is a good candidate for Vail.

    • Must be 16 years old to attend Vail High Sschool. 

    • Alternative Education Referral Form completed with all appropriate signatures (Administrator, Student, Parent, Counselor)

    • Parent and student emails.

    • If a student is RSP, the referral must go through the psychologist.