Our School Links » Attendance



Please report any absences to Ms. Susie Munoz by email:  [email protected] or call Call (323) 887-3005


Attendance Policies


School starts at 8:55 a.m. (ON CAMPUS)

All students must attend school every day and on time. You are considered late and will be marked tardy any time after 9:00 a.m.



Attendance is taken 5 times a day. (Every class period takes attendance)


If a student will be absent please call our Attendance Technician Ms. Susie Munoz at the Attendance Office at (323)887-3005. A student calling in an absence will NOT BE ACCEPTED.


If an absent note is sent with the student; the note needs to have:

  • First and Last Name of Student
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for the absence
  • Name, signature, and relationship of the person writing the note.


A Doctor's note is required if the student is absent for 3 or more days consecutively.

Any absent note from a parent and/or doctor needs to be turned in to the attendance office in the morning to get a re-admit card and present it to every teacher.



Policies for Permission to Leave School

Permission to leave school grounds during school hours is given in the front office.

  • ONLY parents or guardians can request a permit to leave campus.
  • Parents, guardians, or people listed on the emergency card Must come to the office and present their Valid Identification Card.
  • Students 18 years or older must also have parent or guardian consent to leave school grounds.
  • Vail High School is a closed campus.